Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning 2023 - Homework 1 Forum

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> Number of submissions

Dear professors,

1. In the terms&conditons section of the competeion you specified that during phase 1 the max number of submissions is 2 per day and during phase 2 the max number of submissions is 2 per the whole phase.
Are these numbers for one person or for a whole team?

2. In the competition rules you specified that to complete the Homework each team member must have succesfully submitted at least one model in at least one phase.
For example, a team condsists of members A,B,C,D. Does this mean that anyone of the members may not submit in phase 1 if he does at least one successful submission in phase 2 and any other members may not submit in phase 2 if they have already done a submission in phase 1?

Posted by: mksmblkv @ Nov. 3, 2023, 9:43 a.m.

The number of submissions refers to the individual user, so a 3-person team will have three times the amount of submissions, both maximum and daily.
Regarding the second point, the rules are as follows: in order to receive the leaderboard evaluation, you must be on the leaderboard. In other words, it is not enough that a single team member makes submissions, instead, each member must actively participate in order to be evaluated. This applies to both phases and both homeworks.

Posted by: an2dl.competitions @ Nov. 3, 2023, 12:11 p.m.
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