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> Inquiry about the phase "Evaluation B"

Dear Host,

Thank you for organizing the competition. I learned a lot and personally found new insights which made the experience enjoyable.

I have a question: What exactly is "Evaluation B"?
Do we need to use the models we've created so far to predict values on a different test dataset?

I would appreciate it if you could answer the above questions.
Thank you.

Posted by: YYama @ Oct. 3, 2023, 1:03 p.m.

Dear YYama,

Many thanks for your message.

Evaluation B is a second phase that was created for future use and it will not interphere with the current competition.

Kind regards,

Giuseppe Stragapede, Ruben Vera-Rodriguez, Ruben Tolosana

Posted by: giuseppe.stragapede @ Oct. 4, 2023, 9:30 a.m.

Thank you for your response!

By the way, I remember that until yesterday, evaluation B was supposed to start from the 5th. Has there been a change?

Also, for the system paper submission, it's stated as 6 pages on codalab, while on KVC's GitHub page, it's mentioned as 1 page with an image. Which one is correct?

Furthermore, is the system paper submission limited only to the top teams? If it's not exclusive to the top teams and we can submit a paper, I'd like to start preparing it.

I've ended up asking a lot of questions, I'd be grateful if you could answer all of them.

Posted by: YYama @ Oct. 4, 2023, 2:54 p.m.

Hi YYama,

Please find below replies to all your questions.

Yes, there has been a change but the date October 5th was just a placeholder set during the creation of the competition.

As mentioned in a previous forum thread, after an internal discussion with the organizers, we have opted to prepare a single summary paper of the competition, in order to collect and compare in a single manuscript all the biometric systems developed within the competition and to maximize the impact of the outcome of the competition. There was a mismatch information and the CodaLab page was not updated.

In the next few days we will get in touch with the participants with detailed instructions about the publication aspect.

Do not hesitate to let me know for further clarifications.

Kind regards,
Giuseppe Stragapede

Posted by: giuseppe.stragapede @ Oct. 9, 2023, 4:12 p.m.

Thank you for your reply!

I see, I misunderstood that the content of the past forum. Upon rechecking, it does state that it's to be one summary paper. I must have confused it with another competition. My apologies.

I now also understand the discrepancies between the schedule and the KVC website.

Thank you for clarifying!

Posted by: YYama @ Oct. 9, 2023, 4:58 p.m.
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